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dc.creatorLINO, Thiago Morais Rosa-
dc.description.abstractOrganizations are inserted in an environment characterized by strong turmoil and constant changes, giving rise to the need to seek solutions to increase their effectiveness, ensuring their survival and success in an increasingly globalized and competitive market. The theme of this work is: The importance of logistics for the development of micro and small companies. The problem to be verified Organizations are inserted in an environment characterized by strong turmoil and constant changes, giving rise to the need to seek solutions to increase their effectiveness, ensuring their survival and success in an increasingly globalized and competitive market. The theme of this work is: The importance of logistics for the development of micro and small companies. The problem to be verified Organizations are inserted in an environment characterized by strong turmoil and constant changes, giving rise to the need to seek solutions to increase their effectiveness, ensuring their survival and success in an increasingly globalized and competitive market. The theme of this work is: The importance of logistics for the development of micro and small companies. The problem to be verifiedwith this study is: What is the role of Logistics in the development of micro and small companies? The hypothesis to be verified in this study is: To verify the importance and benefits of Logistics for the administrative development of micro and small companies. The research was carried out through a bibliographical review of the literature available in conventional and virtual libraries, where the data analysis took place in a qualitative and descriptive way, resulting in the writing of this article. Regarding the conclusion, logistics is an extremely important tool for improving business management, thus reducing operational losses, bringing the customer a quality product at the right time at the lowest cost.pt_BR
dc.publisherFaculdade Facmaispt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1RIBEIRO JUNIOR, Eli José Miranda-
dc.description.resumoAs organizações estão inseridas num ambiente caracterizado por fortes turbulências e constantes mudanças, surgindo daí a necessidade de se buscar soluções para aumentar sua eficácia, garantindo a sua sobrevivência e sucesso num mercado cada vez mais globalizado e competitivo. O tema deste trabalho é: A importância da logística para o desenvolvimento das micro e pequenas empresas. O problema a ser verificado com o presente estudo é: Qual o papel da Logística para o desenvolvimento das micro e pequenas empresas? A hipótese a ser verificada neste estudo é: Constatar a importância e os benefícios da Logística para o desenvolvimento administrativo das micro e pequenas empresas. A pesquisa foi realizada através de uma revisão bibliográfica da literatura disponível em bibliotecas convencionais e virtuais, onde a análise dos dados se deu de forma qualitativa e descritiva, resultando na redação do presente artigo. No que se refere a conclusão a logística é uma ferramente de extrema importância para a melhoria da gestão empresarial, diminuindo assim as percas operacionais, levando ao cliente um produto de qualidade no tempo certo ao menor custo.pt_BR
dc.publisher.departmentDepartamento 1pt_BR
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