This work aims to highlight the importance of veterinarians in the beef meat processing
industry. Brazil is the largest exporter of beef in the world, per year a person consumes
an average of 36.7 kg of beef, in addition Brazil has a herd of 234 million cattle, which
makes hygienic and sanitary control of this necessary. raw material, therefore, food
without inspection or carried out without technical knowledge can pose serious risks to human health due to the risks posed by the various diseases present in beef.
Inspection was officially introduced in Brazil by Law 1,283 of December 18, 1950,
considered the “mother of inspection” law in Brazil and in 1952 it was regulated by
Decree no. 30,691, of March 29, 1952, which described in detail how the inspection
would be carried out, currently this decree was replaced by Decree 9,013 of 2017.
Brazil follows a rigorous inspection process for products of animal origin to supply to
society, whether in Brazil or abroad a quality product free from diseases or
contaminants that could cause any harm to the health of people who directly or
indirectly consume products from beef. Therefore, the person at the center of the entire
process is the veterinarian, acting as inspector and inspector to ensure that legislation
and inspection of products of animal origin are complied with and the meat is free from
diseases or contamination that could cause any damage to the animal. population