Introduction: This course conclusion work offers a review integrative literature on
nursing care for patients with injuries by pressure in intensive care units (ICUs). The
study addresses the high prevalence of these injuries in critically ill patients, which
affects patients' health, increases hospital costs and overloads the work of the
healthcare team nursing. Objective: The main objective of this work is to explore
nursing practices, its challenges, its struggle and precautions, in addition to the role of
nurses in prevention, protection and treatment of these injuries in intensive care
environments. Methodology: A search was carried out in the Virtual Health Library
(VHL), covering bases such as LILACS, BDENF and SciELO, using terms in English:
pressure ulcer, intensive care unit units). The inclusion criteria used here focused on
original articles published between 2017 and 2024, in Portuguese, English and
Spanish, 40 articles were analyzed, and; 16 met the inclusion criteria, offering
information on nursing interventions to prevent injuries pressure, the focus of this work.
Results: The results of the studies and textual analyzes indicated that the nurses play
an important and essential role in prevention of the formation of pressure injuries in
patients as they perform regular skin assessments, repositioning, hydrating and
promoting asepsis of the places most prone to patient injuries and thus achieving
maintenance of skin integrity. Demonstrating that preventive practices are still the most
effective of the tools along with the information that must be transmitted from team to
team with a view to prevention. However, a major obstacle to this essential routine for
patients is the burden of high workload of nurses and the limited resources of the units.
Conclusion: In this detailed re-reading it was possible to verify the need pressing need
to improve teams, as well as the intensification of training and review of protocols in
intensive units. However, this proposal is a suggestion, as we know that such an action
demands the support institutional.But, highlighting and reinforcing the positive impact
of health care Qualified nursing is to guarantee patients a quality stay promoted by
skilled hands that channel knowledge and dedication to alleviate pressure injuries in