The use of cryotherapy in the treatment of hoof conditions in horses, with a focus on
laminitis, a severe inflammation of the laminar tissues of the hoof. Cryotherapy, which
uses cooling for therapeutic treatment, is a technique increasingly used in veterinary
medicine due to its accessibility and effectiveness in reducing inflammation and pain.
The objective is to demonstrate the importance of cryotherapy as a treatment for hoof
conditions, especially laminitis. All bibliographic research is based on a literature
review, covering articles published in the last five years, ensuring a systematic
approach. Cryotherapy is expected to show significant benefits in reducinginflammation and pain in horses with hoof conditions. Additionally, the technique
should have a positive impact on the recovery of animals, promoting faster and more
effective improvement compared to traditional methods. The research also aims to
provide practical recommendations for the use of cryotherapy in horse management,
based on its accessibility, effectiveness, and ease of application. Concluding that
cryotherapy, due to its effect in reducing inflammation and pain, presents itself as a
promising and viable technique for the treatment of hoof conditions in horses, such as
laminitis. Therefore, this literature review suggests that the method has great potential
to be incorporated into horse management programs, offering a low-cost and easy-toimplement
alternative for producers and veterinarians.