This research is linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education – Academic Master's
Degree of Centro Universitário Mais - PPGE/UNIMAIS, in the research line Education,
Culture, Theories and Pedagogical Processes (L2 – ECTPP), and has as its theme the
English Language in High School. The problem question raised for the implementation
of the study is: how are the educational purposes defined in the teaching of the English
Language in the BNCC and DC-GO and their implications in the teaching-learning
process in High School? The general objective of the research is to analyze how the
educational purposes are defined in the teaching of the English Language in the
National Common Curricular Base (BNCC) and Curricular Document of the state of
Goiás (DC-GO), as well as their implications in the teaching-learning process of the last
stage of basic education. Based on this objective, the following specific objectives were
outlined: 1) to contextualize historically and methodologically the implementation of
English language teaching in Brazilian schools, with emphasis on the period from the
1st LDB nº 4024 of 1961 to the current LDB nº 9394 of 1996; 2) to discuss the
conceptual basis of School Educational Purposes in the neoliberal context and its
effects on the definition of this concept; 3) to analyze the process of elaboration and
implementation of the BNCC and DC-GO and the educational purposes of the English
language in these documents, and their implications for teaching and learning in high
school. This is a qualitative research approach. The research method approaches
dialectical historical materialism. The methodological procedures were based on
bibliographic research related to the research object and on documentary analysis of
the BNCC and DC-GO. The dissertation is organized into three chapters. The first
presents the historical and methodological contextualization of FL teaching in Brazil.
The second section presents the conceptual basis of school educational purposes in
the neoliberal context and its effects on the definition of this concept. The third section
presents the process of elaboration and implementation of the BNCC and DC-GO and
the educational purposes of the English language in these documents, and their
implications for teaching and learning in high school. During the research, it was
possible to identify that the educational purposes of teaching English in high school, as
established by official documents, are closely linked to neoliberal logic and precepts of
globalization, and reveal a disposition towards the commodification of knowledge and
the valorization of the utilitarian tendency of education. The official documents
analyzed agree with this view and have as their main objective to prepare students in
the last stage of basic education for the job market, which ends up reducing language
teaching to a commodity, with the hope of professional and social advancement in the
future. This perspective of the educational purpose of teaching the English language
makes it impossible for students to develop in the teaching and learning process of high
school students.