One of the darkest periods in Brazilian history, still needing further attention, regarding historiography and the treatment of sources, the military dictatorship, or simply the Brazilian Military Regime (1964-1985), was a period of silence in various sectors of the country. Brazilian society, especially the education sector, which was a living moment to acclaim all the changes that occurred in Brazilian society, even with all the past time, to talk about this moment there is still the censorship that was instituted, after the closing of the National Congres. This course completion work has as its main objective, to understand the dynamization of Physical Education classes during the Military Regime (1964-1985). A period that was highly troubled, and with drastic social transformations, and especially transformations that occurred within the Brazilian educational system. Justifying the choice of the theme, part of a concern, about the great influence of the Military Regime (1964-1985), within the social transformations and with that it is worth remembering that these changes, affected the whole country, and still hang in the contemporary society. Now the methodology of this work, is a bibliographic review, which shows these changes from the view of other theorists, being selected articles, journals and course conclusion papers, in websites and electronic journals specialized in the subject. Changes that impacted this structure of the contemporary educational system, especially the physical education classes, which were previously used as a search for a process of competition and extreme victory among the students and also showing that it was based on a military process.