Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD) refers to a human condition in general. The present study is the result of a bibliographic research. To carry out this, theoretical surveys were made with authors that address the theme of inclusion, autism, developmental approach, Gallahue, et al. (2013), Go Tani (2005-2008), Montoan (2015), Neto (2013), among others. It aims to analyze several possibilities where physical education can contribute to the motor development of this group of children in order to include students with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Thus, it seeks to involve autistic students, detailing the importance of the Physical Education discipline in social, motor and cognitive development. Physical Education has an essential importance in the motor, social and cognitive development of autistic people, and classes must be pedagogically well planned for this audience. It is not acceptable to improvise, the physical education teacher needs to acquire extensive knowledge and recognize different methodologies when planning his classes. This is because the inclusion process is everyone's duty, being necessary to understand, meet the needs of each child and respect their limits, assigning values and acquiring good results in educational learning. The results show that, in view of this context, the school as a space for promoting dialogue should promote actions based on an inclusive perspective, promoting the understanding of physical education teachers about the importance of placing physical education using developmental methods to contribute with the development of these students so that everyone can have the right to learning and adequate service.