The present study talks about obesity and the importance of school physical
education for the control of childhood obesity. Thus, the objective is to
analyze/reflect on the increased incidence of childhood obesity among school age
children, and how Physical Education could contribute to reducing these cases. As
specific objectives we search: to comprehend the aspects that lead to the
development of obesity and childhood obesity among school-age children;
understand how Physical Education can contribute to the understanding of the
practice of physical activity as a life benefit and control of childhood obesity.
Nowadays, one of the serious problems in childhood is the high rate of childhood
obesity, because of an unbalanced diet and reduced or lack of physical activity by
children. Besides, obesity can be related to some pathologies and can also contribute
to the development of other diseases such as: diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis,
high cholesterol, etc. The methodology used was a study of bibliographic review,
realized articles and books published by several authors, analyzing the different
points of view in relation to the theme. The theoretical references studied were:
Carvalho et al. (2013), Quadros et al. (2017), Ribeiro (2008), among others.
Approaching the concepts, causes, consequences, treatment and prevention of
childhood obesity and obesity, we intend to realize a brief discussion with the authors
to objectify our study, placing the problems and the principal solutions as possible
perspectives for understanding that School Physical Education can be an ally in the
fight against childhood obesity.