The theme of this monograph is to customer satisfaction. This study answers the
following question: What factors are relevant for increasing the level of customer
satisfaction regarding the service and products and services of a fuel service stations
in the city of Gurinhatã-MG? The overall objective was to determine what these
factors and the specific objectives were defined to show the main factors that
contribute to the increased level of customer satisfaction through research
bibliographies, identifying the customer profile and get next to them, what factors may
contribute to increasing their satisfaction with the service and products and services
offered by that station. In this study were performed literature searches and field
research, being used as a technical procedure, an interview through structured
questionnaire which was given to customers. This study was justified because of the
need that the company has to know the opinion of its customers regarding the
service and products and services offered, considering the need to promote
increased satisfaction from such customers. We conclude that the most important
factors to increase the level of customer satisfaction since the dealer fuels are: the
variety of products and brand. It is not unreasonable to assume that this fact is a
function of customers have a range of options to choose from and so are increasingly