Planning and management is a set of actions that allow the development of a series of skills,
including individual knowledge and capabilities designed to control unique and complex
events in a context of cost, time and quality. In Brazil, the current scenario shows that many
companies do not plan their works, or when they do, it is inadequate. This lack of planning
and poor management in the control of the work are the main reasons for low productivity,
large losses and insufficiency of product and service that will be carried out throughout the
entire work. This article presents a case study in a residential project in the city of Inhumas, in
the state of Goiás, exemplifying the initial stage of a work script, thus bringing all the
execution processes, exemplifying each step through images, graphics and spreadsheets every
step of the project, presenting at the end a comparison of what was planned for the execution.
In the end, based on the results found, it can be seen that not carrying out an adequate and
thorough planning of the planning and execution phases directly influenced the final deadline
for the delivery of the work.