The prison system presents several visible problems. Despite the problems present
in the prison system, the State is not effective, generating high expenses with little
impact on the system. The re-socialization of inmates is mandatory, or should,
however, many factors end up preventing re-socialization, one of these problems and
perhaps the biggest is the case of overcrowding.A prison that is above the allowed
number of inmates causes health problems, fights, sometimes psychological
problems and an increase in rebellions for not being able to withstand that tight
environment.The increase in inconvenience to society becomes high when inmates
serve their sentence in precarious conditions, sometimes worse than when they enter
the prison system.The resocialization of detainees is one of the biggest reasons for
an inmate to return to society after serving his sentence, with the overcrowding and
lack of resolution of this problem, not only harms resocialization, causing inmates to
leave worse than when they entered, but it also causes problems for society due to
the increase in violence or the recurrence of a crime, as well as, of course, illnesses
and rebellions that increase even more with time thanks to the lack of space and care
in the prison system.