This research was developed in the Education Line, Educational Policy Institutions, of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education, Faculty of Inhumas (FACMAIS) where the possibility of a reflective approach of the student with the object of study is discussed through the concepts of gamification and a specific game model the escape room. In order to do so, the text seeks in several theoretical sources the elements that hinder the teaching-learning of mathematics, and in the works of Dewey (1979) and Larrosa (2002) it is approached how experience can serve to promote a more organic education for students, which is reinforced by the applications pointed out in the research by Amado (2015) and Skovsmose (2014). A bibliographic and exploratory study was carried out on the ideas of the cited authors, in the search for the elements of gamification and the way in which they allow the student to have a significant educational experience, which justifies this search would be to offer material so that teachers can promote offering scenarios where the interaction and the mathematical investigation lead the student to the formation of knowledge.