This dissertation, developed within the line of Education research, Educational Political Institutions, of the Stricto Sensu post graduate Program in Education at Faculdade de Inhumas - FacMais -, addresses the continuing education of teachers promoted by the Secretary of State for Education of Goiás (SEDUC-GO) in the period 2019 a 2021/1, highlighting the challenges and achievements along this path. By investigating the continuing education offered by the Secretariat, as well as the creation of the Center for Studies, Research and Training of Education Professionals (CEPFOR), we seek to understand how this training process takes place. Thus, the general objective is to investigate and analyze the continuing education of teachers from the State Network of Goiás offered by SEDUC-GO in that period. To achieve this objective, some specific objectives were listed, as: to carry out a theoretical survey on the history of continuing education for teachers; to research on the creation, the history of CEPFOR, the Operational Guidelines and the profile of teachers who train SEDUC-GO, as well as on continuing education in the state of Goiás; to identify the themes that were worked on in the CEPFOR formations in that period; to qualify and analyze the data collected to verify the transformations perceived during this process. For that, bibliographical research and literature review articulated with content analysis were used. The Center for Studies, Research and Training of Education Professionals seeks, in its activities, to implement cycles of teacher training through the use of technologies. The results obtained show the need to ensure, in continuing education, strategies to meet the urgent needs of teachers, enabling these professionals to know and use technological tools through virtual platforms, social networks, e-mail, applications and software.