In recent years, the use of vernalization has enabled the cultivation of noble garlic
(Allium sativum L.) in regions where the photoperiod and temperature conditions do
not satisfy the requirements of the crop. Therefore, the objective of this study is to
evaluate the agronomic performance of collared garlic cultivars submitted to
vernalization in the region of Caturaí - Go. The study was carried out, with an
experiment under controlled conditions in the year 2022 in the state of Goiás, in the
region of Caturaí. Therefore, the results obtained were that the common cultivar
(Cateto Roxo) (vernalized) presented the largest diameter and average mass of bulbs
when compared to the same cultivar cateto purple without cold treatment, showing
significant differences. Being able to conclude that for better results, you will have to
carry out the research for more years.