This master thesis is inserted in the Research Line: Education, Institutions and
Educational Policies (EIPE) of the Master’s Degree in Education, of the Post Graduation Program of the Faculdade de Inhumas -PPGE/FacMais, Brazil. This
research aims to present reflections about public policies regarding the
implementation of high school in the state education system of Goiás.
In general terms, it is recognized that Youth and Adult Education, known as EJA, is
an educational modality that offers means to people who could not complete their
studies at the proper age. The intention of this research is to contribute with new
perspectives and to reflect on the theme of education for the young and adult
public. The main objective of this study is to analyse the main aspects that guide
and orient normative documents such as the Common National Curricular Base
(BNCC) and the Curricular Document of Goiás (DC-GO) regarding policies for this
type of school education, since the study presents a historical dimension detailing
how such policies emerged and consolidated throughout the history of education in
Brazil, with emphasis on the state of Goiás. Therefore, to build the theoretical
corpus of the research, a bibliographical investigation was carried out to enable a
critical analysis of the theme. For this, we searched the studies of some authors
who contributed to this theme, such as: Freire (1996), Duarte (2001), Di Pierro,
Joia e Ribeiro (2001); Di Pierro and Haddad (2010), Fávero and Freitas (2011),
Tardif (2014), Aquino (2014), Silva et al. (2017), Miranda, et al (2016); Chaves
(2018) Aranha (2021) among others. Besides that, we have read some of legal
documents such as: BRASIL (1996), BRASIL (1988), BRASIL (2017), BRASIL
(2010), BRASIL (2019) and BRASIL (2020). Also, when we were developing this
research, it has been realized that there are numerous criticisms related to how
such educational modality is processed and experienced in the school territory.
Therefore, this study allowed us the understanding of what is needed to provide
access, such as the implementation of policies that contribute to the permanence
of the public served by EJA, minimizing the levels of dropouts, which is pointed as
one of the biggest struggles and problems in this context.