This dissertation, presented as a partial requirement for obtaining the title of
Master in Education, is linked to the Research Line Education, Culture, Theories
and Pedagogical Processes of the Graduate Program in Education, Inhumas
College - FacMais. The object of study of this research, the heritage education, is
a socio-historical fact. The city was listed by the Instituto do Patrimônio Histórico e
Artístico Nacional in 1989 as an architectural, urban, landscape and historical
ensemble and, from that moment on, began to receive investments from the public
authorities, in partnership with private institutions, to boost tourism in the region.
The methodological procedures of this research were essentially qualitative in
approach, classified as exploratory and descriptive. Data collection took place
through bibliographic and documental research, using the technique of content
analysis. Heritage education, without a doubt, is an instrument of 'cultural literacy',
it is a fundamental action for the preservation of heritage. Lack of knowledge about
the importance they have for the maintenance of collective memory, does not
value, and mainly, rejects the preservation measures imposed by the public power.
The Heritage education works are essential, so that the population becomes
aware that for real preservation, special policies are necessary. Thus, this
research intends to answer the following question: what is the meaning and
importance of heritage education and how can we show the notability of the habit
of valuing and preserving the history of heritage, emphasizing the Educational
Community of Pirenópolis- COEPI? The Heritage education is a process capable
of contributing significantly to the preservation of history.