This research was carried out within the scope of the Graduate Program in Education
Academic Masters - PPGE of the Faculty of Inhumas - FACMAIS with the title Educational
reforms of fundamental education II in the state of Goiás. The problem that gave rise to the
research was: What educational purposes guide the curricular proposal of Elementary
School II in the state of Goiás (DC-GO) in a neoliberal context? The general objective of the
study is: to understand the historical, political, social and economic context of educational
reforms in Brazil and in the state of Goiás, as well as their influences in determining the
educational purposes of DC-GO in elementary school II. And, the specific objectives: to
investigate the historical, political and economic context of educational reforms in Brazil,
from the 1990s, under neoliberal influence; discuss how neoliberal policies interfere in the
construction of curricular guidelines in the state of Goiás (DC-GO) for elementary education
II; identify and analyze the educational concepts and purposes in DC-GO, compared with
critical curriculum theories. The research was anchored in the bibliographic review
methodology based on theses, dissertations and works published in books and magazines. A
documentary analysis was also carried out: BNCC, DC-GO Extended. The main authors
who supported the research: Tristão (2011), Mészáros (2009), Frigotto and Ciavatta (2003),
Holanda, Freres and Gonçalves (2009), Gusmão (2013), Libâneo, Freitas e Silva (2018),
Contreras ( 2002), Saviani (2005), Dias (2010), Freitas (2018), Chauí (2016), Marcuse
(1973, 1999), Silva e Neto, (2020), Silva (2010), Schlegel (2021), Berstein ( 1996), Libâneo
(2022), Pessoni (2018), Limonta e Silva (2021), Mészáros (2011), Gusmão (2013), Young
(2007), Adorno (2022), Viana (2005). Based on this theoretical framework, the work
presents reflections on the educational purposes contained in educational normative
documents under the influence of international organizations and the neoliberal capitalist
economic system that has caused changes in educational purposes, standardizing a teaching
focused on the pedagogy of competences, through a curriculum designed to meet the wishes
of the ruling class. In this way, they bet on the alignment between curriculum, lesson plans,
methodologies, teacher training and external evaluations, with the aim of promoting more
and better training to the student in order to raise the grades in external evaluations, leaving
aside a teaching focused on for citizenship, emancipation and critical intellectual
development. In view of this analysis, it is important that the school can create parallel
actions to the curriculum in order to promote a teaching focused on a powerful and
emancipatory knowledge of the student.