The family institute has undergone great transformations, which have gradually been accepted by Brazilian society. Currently, families are no longer formed only in the patriarchal model, but by different models of family, such as those formed by same-sex, composed of only one of the parents, to be used only by the children's grandparents, etc. The growing transformations have also brought maladies to children and adolescents, such as Parental Alienation and Syndrome (Parental Alienation Syndrome). In this way, the present work aims to discuss parental alienation, showing how it manifests itself, what practices the alienating parent, and especially the causes that the syndrome causes in children and adolescents, victims of parental alienation. It will also be demonstrated the constitutional protection with respect to children and adolescents as subjects of rights, also reporting on the performance of the judiciary and legal operators in the application of law 12.318 / 10, which regulates parental alienation, investigation of cases already judged by the TJGO regarding parental alienation in order to understand the role of the Judiciary in this issue.