Women constantly suffer from diseases that affect the female genital system. The
lack of information is one of the factors that most contribute to inadequate habits of
intimate hygiene and this may be related to the involvement of diseases. In many
situations, due to the difficulty of quickly accessing specialists, they resort to
self-medication. With this, there is a great opportunity for pharmaceutical
performance. As a health professional with great accessibility to patients, it is
possible to develop pharmaceutical care, provide appropriate clarifications to clinicalconditions and help women to understand best practices related to intimate care, in
order to act in the prevention of diseases and, in cases related to treatment, the
pharmacist has the possibility to guide and resolve doubts related to drug therapy. In
this work, we will approach a review about the possibilities of action of the
pharmaceutical professional correlating to the inadequate intimate habits performed
by women. A bibliographic survey was carried out on the Google Academic, Scielo
and PubMed databases and, consequently, a discussion of the literature. It was
observed an increase in the rate of gynecological problems that women have been
facing during their lives due to several factors. The topic under study, because it is a
subject little discussed, there is still embarrassment to talk about it. It is concluded
the importance of better communication between the pharmacist, since he is a
professional with technical knowledge who is at the end of the health care chain, and
the patients, in relation to the necessary care for the prevention of diseases that
affect intimate health.