The theme of democratic management in public schools and Pedagogical Political
Project (PPP) execution has been a relevant matter in society and, mainly, in schools,
as a model of quality education. This search problematizes how the democratic
management could be explicitly and executed in school's PPP. So presents the
propositions of democratic and participatory management to understand the
Pedagogical Political Project: as a guiding element of the actions to be elaborated
and developed in the school; verify if there is integration of the school community;
family and school relationship. The main objective of the research is to analyze the
contributions and strategies that the school manager experiences in the execution of
the PPP. The theoretical references that will give clues to the theme will be built
based on the readings of Veiga (2003), Libâneo (2004), Oliveira (2012), Paro (2001)
and Freire (2009). The methodology used to carry out the study was documentary
research and bibliographical research, and it showed that it has a management that
is based on dialogue between the community and the school. The research was
divided into four explicit categories in the school's PPP, which are: democratic
management, election, student participation and community, showing that everyone's
participation aims to improve education, as together they found solutions to provide
the student with an environment that favors meaningful learning, within the reality in
which the student is inserted.