Introduction: in the field of aesthetic dentistry, tooth whitening stands out, and has
been increasingly used in clinical practice, as it is conservative, low-cost, effective
and brings excellent results. However, there are still many doubts and misinformation
about tooth whitening, not only among lay people, but also among professionals in
the area. Objective: to analyze the factors that influence the bleaching treatment and
its relationship with food with dyes through a literature review. Methodology: the
present study was carried out through a literature review and document analysis from2012 to 2022, in which reflections and discussions were built based on the theoretical
framework on the influence of food restriction during the tooth whitening procedure.
Scientific articles were searched, with records entered in online databases: PubMed,
Lilacs, Bireme and Google Scholar. Result and conclusion: drinks/foods that are
not considered part of a white diet do not negatively affect the tooth whitening
process. Dyes and pigments from the diet can undergo an impregnation process on
the tooth surface. However, food restriction during tooth whitening is a controversial
topic. In addition, modifying the patient's eating habits can be difficult and unpleasant.