"Autism: the pathological bias and its implications in the schooling process" is the
result of a research work carried out in the Postgraduate Program in Education,
Academic Master's Degree, Faculdade de Inhumas (FacMais), within the research
line Education, Culture and Pedagogical Processes, whose assumptions prioritize
studies related to knowledge, culture and practices that shape the institutional
dynamics of educational actions. The general objective of this study was to unveil the
implications of the pathological bias in the understanding of autism and its
manifestations in the schooling process. The specific objectives were: i. Highlight the
historical course of the conceptions about autism; ii. Analyze the media influences
and the legal devices about autism in school environment; iii. To raise questions
about the need of depathologizing autism. This is a qualitative research, considering
the complexity of the chosen object of study and the permanent movement of change
around conceptions, theories, and educational policies that contemplate it. To reach
the purpose of the investigation, a bibliographic research was carried out, focusing
on scholars who deal with the processes involved in the schooling of the person with
autism, highlighting: Baptista and Bosa (2002), Cunha (2013, 2019), Frances (2016),
Furtado (2006), Gomide (2009), Lacerda (2018), Mello et al. (2013), Orrú (2013),
Rodrigues (2017) and Silva (2014). The question-problem that mobilized the
arguments and propositions presented during the study was: How does the
pathological interpretation of autism influence the schooling process of autistic
people? In the reading, we sought a political affiliation with international and national
movements that defend autism as one more of the several forms of human life in
opposition to the pathologizing tendency. In this context, there is the Movimento
Despatologiza, which, in Brazil, is connected to the Forum on Medicalization of
Education and Society, both committed to providing information to society about the
phenomenon of medicalization, which has been naturalized inside the school
institution. The results point to a naturalization of autism as a disease, discarding
aspects related to the history of the individual and to his specific characteristic of
interacting with the world. Thus, the process of schooling autistic people becomes
stigmatized, as the label determines - in most situations - the conduction of
pedagogical practices.