The research carried out within the scope of the Postgraduate Program in Education
- Academic Master's Degree of the Faculty of Inhumas FacMais, in the line of
research Education, Culture, Theories and Pedagogical Processes, addresses the
theme Educational Policies of the State of Goiás, and is entitled: Policies for
Education in Goiás: the school educational purposes for Elementary School - Final
Years. It had as its guiding question: What educational purposes guide the guiding
documents arising from SEDUC-GO for Elementary School - Final Years and
whether these purposes enable the process of training students in an emancipatory
critical perspective? It aims to understand the educational purposes that guide the
policies of Brazilian education, from the 1990s, especially the policies that guide the
official educational documents from SEDUC-GO for Elementary School - Final Years,
as well as their influences on the students' training process. Specifically, it intends to:
know and apprehend the principles of school educational purposes from the 1990s
onwards, which guide Brazilian educational policies, highlighting the impacts that can
be caused in public education; identify and describe the influence of neoliberalism on
public education in Goiás and analyze school educational purposes for the
construction of a fair school; to analyze the official documents of SEDUC-GO for
schools in the state network of Elementary Education - Final Years, and their
implications in the formation of students in an emancipatory critical perspective. With
regard to methodological processes, the study is based on a bibliographical and
documental research. Data analysis is based on a qualitative approach in
perspective, which approaches historical-dialectical materialism, with the elaboration
of categories of analysis that contemplate the objectives proposed for this research,
having as main theoretical references: Vygotsky (1989), Charlot (2005; 2020),
Saviani (1999; 2019), Lenoir (2016), also dialoguing with the contributions of Libâneo
(2013; 2014; 2 018; 2019), Pessoni (2017), Laval (2019), Libâneo and Freitas (2018),
among others. The results of the research indicate that the State of Goiás, fulfilling
the global agenda based on neoliberal ideals, created and implemented a curriculum
that meets the economic desires of the market, causing pedagogical impoverishment,
competition, individualism, accountability for results, meritocracy, ranking. The
neoliberal and technical approach of the curriculum document for Goiás measures
student performance in a quantitative and standardized way.