This dissertation is part of the line of research, Education, Institutions and Educational
Policies of the Postgraduate Program in Education (stricto sensu) at the Faculty of Inhumas —
FacMais. The energies directed to this research were concentrated on the identity and
performance of the Pedagogical Coordinator in the educational space in the State of Goiás,
seeking an answer to the question: How has the role of the Pedagogical Coordinator been
constituted in practice given the material and concrete conditions of the schools in the
Network State of Education of Goiás? To this end, the general objective is to analyze the
performance of the Pedagogical Coordinator, considering his practice in light of the material
and concrete conditions of schools in the Goiás State Education Network. This objective
unfolds into the following specific objectives: to historically contextualize the Coordinator's
profile Pedagogical, in the exercise of his/her role; carry out a survey of public educational
policies and analyze the actions that organize the work of the Pedagogical Coordinator
promoted through laws, decrees, guidelines and ordinances in force, at the federal and state
level; and describe the context of the work, the scope and the elements that legitimize the
Pedagogical Coordinator in carrying out his role in the educational space in Goiás. Based on a
study that analyzed documents from the Department of Education (including legislation) and
a bibliography related to the history of education, we sought to elucidate the path taken by the
Pedagogical Coordinator. On the other hand, we analyzed the difficulties and possibilities of
their work in schools in the state education network using recent research that has been
produced on the topic. To this end, the study will be based on Libâneo, as well as Dubar, Ball,
Domingues, Vasconcelos, among others. The results of this study made it possible to affirm
that the role of the Pedagogical Coordinator, which presented new features in the educational
reforms of the 1990s, has a previous trajectory that allows us to demonstrate that in other
moments, when movements of pedagogical innovation and educational reforms occurred,
there were also was present. The analysis of research on the identity and performance of the
Pedagogical Coordinator gave us an approximation with the daily life of schools, giving us
support to understand that institutional management can make the coordinator's work difficult,
that deviations in function in relation to their duties, in which prevail bureaucratic tasks leave
assistance and pedagogical support to the teacher in the background. In particular, it allowed
us to rethink how the role of the Pedagogical Coordinator has been constituted in practice, in
the material and concrete conditions of State Schools in the State of Goiás.