This study addresses the educational purposes of school education, seeking to answer
the question: how do school educational finalities influence the school's Pedagogical
Political Project at the municipal level? Having as its main theoretical foundation the
concept of school educational purposes established by Lenoir and Libâneo's analyzes
of the school's educational purposes, the work had the general objective of analyzing
the educational purposes of the Padre Elígio Silvestre Municipal School (Itaberaí –
Goiás) considering the school's Pedagogical Political Project. The specific objectives
were: to address the concept of school educational purposes; understand how
educational purposes influence curricular components; identify possible challenges
and opportunities related to educational purposes at school, aiming at the student's
integral development. The methodology used was bibliographic research and
documentary analysis. The analysis of the Pedagogical Political Project of School
(Goiás) showed the need for an in-depth discussion about the objectives of this school
and what it has achieved in terms of student learning, especially since the
implementation of the BNCC. To further understand the problem, research is needed
to analyze the perceptions and expectations of teachers in relation to the educational
purposes of school education in the initial years of this school, in order to better explain
their influence on the teaching-learning process with a view to the integral training and
development of students.
Keywords: School educational finalities; Elementary School; Early Years; Pedagogical
Political Project.