Bovine Parasitic Disease is a major challenge for dairy producers, poor choice of
prophylaxis and adequate treatment has increased the occurrence of this disease.
The milk production chain is one of the main socio economic activities of
agribusiness throughout Brazil, present in a large part of the country's municipalities,
guaranteeing direct and indirect employment and income for rural families. Classified
as an infectious and parasitic disease of cattle caused by a bacterium of the genus
Anaplasma and a protozoan of the genus Babesia that is transmitted to animals
through the cattle tick (scientific name Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus).
Parasitic sadness is known as: mal da tipa, piroplasmosis, evil sad, among others, but it is one of the diseases that most affects and kills calves in the first months of
their life, this happens mainly in European breeds, whether imported or not, as they
are those that come from industrial crosses between zebu and taurines (Kikugawa,