The research focuses on construction waste for asphalt mixture, which was motivated by the
high consumption of natural resources by the construction sector. Since, hot asphalt mixtures,
using crushed stone or pebbles as aggregate, generate an aggravating environmental liability
due to the entire mineral extraction process. Added to this is the fact that it lacks stone
material due to the geological conditions imposed in a years-long process of deposition. The
general objective was to evaluate the partial use of construction and demolition waste (rubble)
as aggregate to replace part of the aggregate and part of the asphalt mass. The method used
was experimental, which consists of an experimental study on the total replacement of
aggregates natural by recycled aggregates in asphalt pavements. Aggregate Characterization,
Density Determination, Test Specimen Molding, Mixture and Compaction Temperature, Mixture Preparation, Determination of Dry Mass and Submerged in Water, Stability, Fluency,
Optimum Design Content were analyzed. Asphalt Binder and determination of Tensile
Strength by Diametral Component. The results show that although the mixture with
recyclable waste presents high absorption, when analyzing the final project content, in
relation to mixtures with conventional waste, the Tensile Strength values, under the analyzed
conditions, were higher than the minimum value required by the standards that recommend
the entire system to be used in the execution of flexible floors.