The present study, entitled "Women in Adult and Youth Education: From Rights to
the Challenges of (Re)insertion and Continuity and Their Influence on Labor," was a
research project conducted within the Graduate Program in Education, Academic
Master's, at the Faculty of Inhumas, under the research line Education, Institutions,
and Educational Policies – EIPE. It presents a literature review based on the
perspective of researchers in the field of Adult and Youth Education, focusing on
regulations and educational policies related to this type of education. It highlights the
presence of women and the challenges of the right to education, reintegration, and
continuity in school, surpassing the age range considered appropriate. Thus, the
study aimed to understand the challenges of women's schooling, their historical
subordination, the relationship with the world of work, and their impact on Adult and
Youth Education. Specific objectives included: presenting the educational trajectory
of women, their subordination, and a synthesis of educational policies in Adult and
Youth Education amid a neoliberal context; identifying the historical subordination of
women and the factors influencing their dropout/persistence in Adult and Youth
Education; and understanding this educational modality as a possibility for women's
emancipation and autonomy in the world of work. The research question: How do
Public Policies applied to Adult and Youth Education influence the educational quality
and the persistence of the female gender, and to what extent can this education be
considered a path to the autonomy and emancipation of women? The research
methodology employed was bibliographic research characterized by a literature
review. The theoretical foundation relied on authors such as Arroyo (2017), Di Pierro,
Joia, Ribeiro (2001), Freire (2015; 2018), Gadotti (2013), Hooks (2019; 2021),
Libâneo; Freitas (2018), Louro (1997; 2008; 2017), among others. The analysis of
dissertations and theses in the educational field, available in the Brazilian Digital
Library of Theses and Dissertations database, also contributed to the study's
foundation. The results revealed the historical influence of neoliberal thinking on
educational public policies, accentuating female subordination and devaluing the
social role of women, hindering their entry into the job market. The research
highlighted the close relationship between the imposed submission of women in a
patriarchal society and dropout/non-persistence in Adult and Youth Education.
Despite the challenges of women's schooling, this type of education serves as an
instrument of emancipation, inclusion, and job opportunities for those who could not
complete their education in a timely manner.