The present study aims to analyze the scientific production regarding nursing care for
elderly individuals living with HIV/AIDS, a topic often overlooked in healthcare,
leading to delayed diagnoses. Nursing plays a crucial role in preventing this issue,
being essential to ensure that the elderly are properly assessed and diagnosed early
on. From this perspective, the research questions the role of nurses in the care and
prevention of HIV/AIDS in the elderly. For this purpose, an integrative review was
conducted between February and April 2024, using the BVS database and platforms
such as PubMed and Scielo, covering publications from 2015 to 2024. Elderly
individuals affected by this condition often experience compromised psychological
health and become vulnerable to depression. Therefore, it is inferred that nursesshould be equipped to provide adequate psychological support to the elderly
throughout the process of discovering and living with HIV/AIDS. This includes not
only diagnosis and treatment but also ongoing monitoring, education about the
disease, and the promotion of coping strategies.