Introduction: Malignant neoplasms require specialized care, and the oncologist nurse
plays an important role in offering emotional support and monitoring during treatment.In addition to clinical management, its activities aim to promote patient well-being,
providing information and coordinating care, essential to face the challenges of the
condition. Objective: Develop effective strategies for emotional intervention, including
identifying the strategies employed and analyzing patients' perceptions to improve
support. Methodology: Literature review with analysis of 50 articles, 35 were selected
for detailed analysis, considering their relevance to the study. The articles chosen
cover the period from 2002 to 2024 and include a variety of study types, such as
literature reviews, clinical cases, and retrospective and prospective studies. Results
and Discussions: The articles analyzed broadly address clinical oncology and cancer
treatment, representing 52% of the total. Oncology education, intertwined with public
health, is discussed in 8% of the articles. Topics related to pathology and cytogenetics
comprise 12%, while nursing care in oncology is explored in 24% of studies.
Furthermore, 4% of the articles deal with scientific and academic research
methodologies. Final Considerations: The oncologist nurse, faced with the challenge
of diagnosis, plays a vital role in helping patients cope with intense emotions,
recognizing the importance of emotional care in the oncological journey.