Soybean (Glycine max (L) Merill) is a plant belonging to the Fabaceae or
Leguminosae family, and is cultivated almost everywhere on the planet. Soy is the
most important oleaginous crop in the world, and three countries are considered the
largest producers, the United States, Brazil and Argentina, that is, most of the soy
production is in the countries of the American continent. According to EMBRAPA, it is
the crop most cultivated by Brazilian agribusiness, making Brazil the largest exporter
in 2021/2022 with more than 140 million tons produced. In this way, soy has gained
and is gaining more and more importance in the world and in Brazil. The objective of
this work is to analyze the conjuncture of the soybean market and delimitation,
characterization and analysis of the productive chain in the state of Goiás, for this,
secondary data from the USDA and IBGE were used.