The study presents a reflection on the processes of alienation and toxicities caused
by social media today and the challenges in the teaching-learning process. The
problem involves the excessive use of digital networks and platforms, the influences
and implications on interpersonal relationships. It questions the social and behavioral
problems resulting from access to digital technologies and changes in individual
behavior, image distortions, dependence, among other effects. Objectives: to
analyze the possibilities of alienation and media toxicities caused in contemporary
society, and the challenges that arise in the teaching-learning process. Specifically,
conceptualize and describe the role of social networks in the spread of false
information, the impact and consequences of virtual exposure; understand the role of
the school in education for the use of DICT's, based on Marcuse, the propagation of
social alienation and the harmful character of the dissemination of fake news.
Illustrate real-life cases of individuals negatively affected by the spread of fake news
described in the press. The documentary bibliographic research method was used
with descriptive analysis and time frame from 2012 to 2022. Results: digital media
direct users through filters, pointing out an apparent range of connectivity options; it
can interfere with freedom of choice. The individual experiences the need to post
their routine, thinking of themselves as belonging to a group or community, which
often leads to loneliness in real life. They share beliefs, information, misinformation,
power, knowledge and slices of reality, creating a virtual identity that is different from
real life, leading to the loss of autonomy and critical thinking. The constant use of
digital technology and the search for virtual approval has strong appeal among
teenagers. Conclusion: Cyberspace and the functionality of digital platforms present
new languages, however, it is necessary to take a critical stance in relation to
disseminated discourses, conflicting opinions and the legitimacy of content. In
schools, the influence of social networks on the subjectivity of individuals can affect
the worldview. The development of digital literacy to deal critically with virtual content
is suggested. The teacher can learn how to handle the DICT's in order to make the
content interesting to students, encouraging them to be critical and reducing the
power of manipulation of public opinion, dissemination and propagation of fake news
in all interaction environments. Constant exposure to virtual images overloads the
perceptual system, and failure to verify information results in the replication of hate
speech and prejudice, harming the living environment. Promoting a culture of peace
in schools through digital platforms and combating fake news is a challenge for