The present dissertation entitled Conceptions of Literacy and Literacy: A Study with Teachers
from Municipal Schools of Itapuranga-Goiás, is linked to the line of research Education,
Culture, Theories and Pedagogical Processes and investigates the conceptions of literacy and
literacy of 4th and 5th years of Elementary School – Initial Years in two municipal schools in
Itapuranga-GO, in addition to examining how these conceptions directly interfere in the
pedagogical practices and the teaching-learning process. The research methodological
procedures include literature review and field research, with a qualitative approach of a
descriptive and interpretative nature. Data collection was carried out through sociocultural
questionnaire and semi-structured interview, with data analyzed based on Bardin's (2016)
content analysis methodology. The work explores the founding concepts of literacy and literacy,
which differentiate the technical acquisition of reading and writing (literacy) from the social and
contextual use of these skills (literacy). The choice of the sociocultural context of Itapuranga, a
city with a rich cultural and historical diversity, and the pluri-teaching scenario implemented in
municipal schools made it possible to investigate educational dynamics in different contexts —
a school in the urban center and another on the outskirts. This contrast contributed to a broader
understanding of educational practices in different social realities. The study developed is based
on the political and emancipatory concept of education by Freire (1987), on the concepts of
literacy and literacy by Soares (2004), which distinguishes the technical use of reading and
writing from their social role, and on the contributions of Ferreiro and Teberosky (1985) on the
construction of knowledge by children. The contributions of Kleiman (1995) on literacy and
literacy among other authors invited for reflection are also used. These perspectives are
integrated into the analysis of the relationship between language and the world, by examining
how literacy and literacy relate to social and identity dynamics in the educational process. The
research confirmed that teachers' conceptions of literacy influence their pedagogical choices,
especially with regard to the integration of reading and writing in subjects and the role of
literacy in the formation of critical and socially active subjects. The results reinforce the
presence of traditional pedagogical practices and point to the need for approaches that transcend
technical education and promote the integral development of students. The research data also
revealed the urgency of improving literacy and literacy practices through continuous and
structured teacher training, providing teachers with the necessary support to face contemporary
education challenges, deal with the diversity of school contexts and promote a integrated and
quality pedagogical practice. Furthermore, some challenges were identified, such as the lack of
adequate teaching resources, the search for results in large-scale evaluations and the need for
continued training to deal with the diversity of educational contexts and social vulnerabilities.
The transformation of literacy and literacy practices requires continuous teacher training that is
sensitive to cultural and social diversity, in addition to more integrated pedagogical strategies,
capable of articulating technical education with the citizenship and emancipatory training of