The research in question aimed to analyze the initial growth of corn seedlings
inoculated with plant growth-promoting rizobactérias (RPCPs), using the
microorganisms BRM 32111 (Burkholderia sp.), BRM 63523 (Serratia sp.), BRM
63524 (Bacillus sp.), and a control treatment (without microorganisms). The
experiment was conducted at the greenhouse of Embrapa Rice and Beans in Santo
Antônio de Goiás and involved four treatments with ten replications each. The seeds
were microbiolized and after 14 days of planting, root development was evaluated.
The results indicated that treatments with microorganisms increased significantly
comparedto the control. Treatment with Serratia sp. obtained the highest total root length,
surpassing the control by 38.1%. In addition, Serratia sp. and Bacillus sp. showed the
greatest positive demonstration with the volume of roots. Thus, it was concluded that
inoculation with Serratia sp. and Bacillus sp. It was effective in promoting the root
development of maize seedlings, with a positive impact on total surface areas,
average diameter, and dry mass of the roots