This work tends to be directed to a historical-socio-political view of education, aimed
at indigenous people in Brazil. Addressing the challenges of educational policies for
diversity in Brazilian basic education. Such work starts from an analysis of works
already produced, such as Dissertations, Articles and TCC’s, Books and theories that
encompass the indigenous historical trajectory since the colonization processes, to
the new conceptions about the diversity and indigenous education in contemporary
Brazil. Among the documents analyzed to obtain a legal historical-socio-political
view, we will address the Federal Constitution, 1988; LDB and the new LDB;
Educational policies for indigenous diversity / education; pedagogical training
(continuing) in indigenous education; Interministerial Ordinance MJ / MEC nº 559, 16;
Law nº 10.639 / 03 2 11.645, in education and at the national level. Finally, we will
also take as a reference, works researched from Scielo and Capes journals, which
deal with the themes of pedagogical action in indigenous schools; guidelines for
indigenous education; teacher training. It is a bibliographic work, which aims to
understand more about the trajectory, historical, legal and institutional, as well as
understand about the types of methods, perceptions, reflections on how it is
understood in the educational society in the training process.