This monograph deals with the recognition of the special activity of vigilant’s,
in the first chapter the history of social security is reported, and to quote some
decrees that demonstrate a great change in the lives of the insured. In the second
chapter, the modalities of pensions are cited with the constitutional change 103/2019.
In the third chapter, the recognition of special activity of the security guard that since
the beginning of the activity is special according to the legislation. This monograph
highlights the insured’s difficulty in recognizing his special activity by simple request,
which will certainly be dismissed having to resort to the board appeal of the National
Institute of Social Security and even so having your application rejected so only in
view of the judicial sphere, which will extend for years without the certainty of
recognition aiming at the right to this benefit for dangerousness however, the inured
person puts his life at risk every day.