The present work of conclusion of the degree in pedagogy this paper will address the
relationship that affectivity plays in the learning process in the early years of
elementary school, with regard to the contributions that teaching aimed at
understanding the child as a sociocultural subject and that develops in an integral
way, making it increasingly clear that the human being is full of feelings and builds its
cognitive systems through the interactions it develops with the object of knowledge
and culture in which it is inserted. To construct this work, a bibliographic research
was conducted on the works of Piaget, Vygotsky, and Wallon, taking into account the
contributions that these authors make to the educational field by providing subsidies
that lead to the understanding that the child's development occurs in an integral
manner, and that the cognitive, affective, and motor aspects are interconnected. It is
also presented as theoretical support for the normative and guiding documents of
Brazilian education, which emphasize a quality education that contributes to critical
training emphasizing the role of the teacher as a fundamental part for learning to
occur in a significant way.