The bean crop (phaseolus vulgaris) is of great importance for Brazilian
agriculture, the more experiments aimed at bean cultivation related to bacteria
of the genus bradyizobium and azzospirillum contribute to the advancement of
better productivity. The objective of this study is to evaluate the results from co inoculation of bacteria of the genera Bradyrhizobium and Azospirillum in bean
culture. The bean crop is affected by several pests that are limiting for high
productions, which lacks insecticides and can have a high cost for the bean
production, thus the importance of improving other techniques that favor the
cultivation of beans without needing these costs high, an example of this is the
combination of these bacteria of the genus bradyizobium and azospirillum in the
cultivation of beans. The research has a qualitative approach and the study willbe developed by bibliographical research, based on experiments by some
authors. The present work played a fundamental role in this achievement of
knowledge, by demonstrating the importance of these bacteria of the genus
bradyizobium and azospirillum related to the cultivation of common bean,
promoting better productivity, plant development and favorable results so that it
can be applied in the next crops.