Considering the confluence between the environment and the construction industry,
concern for the preservation of the environment is becoming increasingly present at
construction sites, which justifies the great interest in research aimed at sustainability in civil construction. With this, the current study seeks to analyze the behavior of
concrete from the incorporation of asphalt paving waste. Such waste is produced on
a large scale through the need to excavate paved streets and roads, which come
from maintenance of asphalt paving or even carrying out infrastructure works. From
the collection of this material, the asphalt pavement blocks were crushed into a more
granular material, which, after being sieved, was used in the composition of the
concrete, replacing the coarse aggregate. Workability and resistance to axial
compression were evaluated, and these tests were carried out in the construction
materials laboratory of Faculdade de Inhumas - FacMais, based on ABNT standards.
It was attested that with the increase in the concentration of asphalt residue in the
mass, there was a decrease in the workability and consequently the resistance of the
concrete. However, this replacement becomes viable in the production of concrete
artifacts that do not require great resistance, considering that there will be an
ecological benefit with the reuse of asphalt material, in addition to reducing the
search for raw material from the crushing of rocks, a method that causes lasting
damage to natural resources.