The agrarian issue in Brazil has been the scene of struggles and clashes since 1500.
This research aims to analyze the history of the struggle for land in the Mosquito
Settlement, in order to understand the difficulties in obtaining the right to own the land
and then to maintain and permanence it. For this, we seek to identify the Land
Legislation in Brazil, to know the struggle for land ownership in Goiás and to verify
through the history of the Mosquito Settlement the struggle for possession, maintenance and permanence in the land in Goiás. The methodology used was
bibliographical research based on scientific publications in the area of struggle for
land in the Mosquito Settlement. The results point to the various clashes that
peasants have been facing in the struggles for the conquest and permanence of the
land. It is concluded that once settled, the struggle continues, as they needed to act
contrary to state agricultural production policies. As a result, many of the settlers are
unable to earn a basic income in order to preserve the dignity of the human person
and need to leave the land and return to the cities in search of better living