This article reviews the feasibility of using drywall in commercial buildings,
addressing its benefits, limitations, and relevant considerations. Drywall, also known as drywall, is a constructive system composed of plasterboard coated with
paperboard, widely used in civil construction. Despite being more commonly
associated with homes, drywall also has significant advantages in commercial
buildings, making it an option to be considered by professionals in the field. The use
of drywall in buildings has become increasingly common due to its advantages,
among which lightness, ease of installation and architectural versatility can be
highlighted. This constructive system offers acoustic and thermal insulation, in
addition to allowing a faster execution of the work and facilitating maintenance and
repairs. However, it is important to consider its limitations, such as impact and
moisture resistance. Monitoring by specialized professionals is recommended to
ensure the correct specification and use of drywall. Drywall is an attractive option for
projects that demand agility, flexibility and good performance in terms of insulation
and maintenance.