Due to the high incidence of diabetic patients associated with the great demand for
them to undergo rehabilitative treatments using implants, the main objective of this
work was to review the literature and evaluate the impacts of diabetes on
implant-supported rehabilitative treatments, through: understanding what dental
implants are , understanding the relationship between dentistry and diabetes, and the
relationship between diabetes and implant dentistry. The searches were carried out in
the following databases: PubMed, Scielo, Google Scholar, Cora Coralina Digital
Library, at FACMAIS – Faculdade de Inhumas. After consulting the VHL (Virtual
Health Library), the following keywords were determined: "Dental implants",
"Diabetes" and "Osseointegration", based on consultation with Decs (Descriptors in
Health Sciences). For this review, the title and summary of 32 works were read,
where those that did not meet the exclusion criteria were excluded, leaving 17 works.
At the end of the discussion it was possible to conclude that: diabetes can affect
healing and osseointegration, which are crucial processes for the success of
implants. However, this does not preclude people with diabetes from receiving dental
implants. With careful management and collaboration between the patient, dentist,
and diabetes doctor, it is possible to successfully perform implant procedures on
diabetic patients. The decision to perform implants in patients with diabetes must be
made on an individual basis, considering the patient's general health, diabetes control
and other individual factors. A good dentist-doctor-patient relationship is essential to
guarantee good results in implant-supported rehabilitation.