CUNHA, Augusto Pimenta da; ARAUJO, Nuane Cristina de(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
Not long ago, accounting firms sought clients only by referral. Although important, the
media and various social transformations have impacted organizations, creating a
more competitive environment that requires, in ...
SILVA, Maria Lorraine Barcelos; OLIVEIRA, Vanessa Aparecida Silva(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
The role of the accountant in a changing world requires skills that are compatible with
the challenges. International standards seek to guide the training path of future professionals so that they demonstrate both technical ...
In recent decades, there have been several changes in society, which have led to an
increase in life expectancy. Consequently, aging has become a more present part of
everyday life, which has led to a greater search for ...
SILVA, Kethllyn Sabrynna Rosa Da; SANTOS, Monielen Vilarinho(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
This study analyzed the psychological and social impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic
on nurses through an integrative review of the literature published between 2019 and
2024. The main factors contributing to emotional ...
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative condition that mainly affects the
elderly, leading to progressive deterioration of cognitive functions. This study aimed to
investigate the efficacy of vitamin B12 in the ...
MUNIZ FILHO, Paulo Roberto; NOGUEIRA, Raielle de Souza(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that mainly affects the
peripheral joints, resulting in pain, stiffness and, in severe cases, functional disability.
Although there is no cure, appropriate treatment ...
SANTOS, Adair Sousa; SENA, Hurly Maira Lage de(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
This study aims to analyze the relevance of leadership in organizational environments
through a qualitative literature review, exploring concepts, theories and leadership
styles, as well as their influence on employee ...
SANTOS, Fernando Henrique de Oliveira; SANTOS JUNIOR, Odeemes; SILVEIRA, Thatiele Fernanda Siqueira(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
Colorectal cancer is a prevalent health problem that has been increasing over the
years, with a high incidence in Brazil and worldwide. The main cause of the
development of this neoplasia are environmental factors ...
SILVEIRA, Jenifer Garcia da; QUEIROZ, Marcos Dantas(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
This study investigated the toxicity of naphazoline hydrochloride nasal solution using
the Allium cepa plant model. The aim was to assess the effects of this substance on
the environment and the potential toxicity due ...
FERREIRA, Maria de Fátima Nunes; NUNES, Rosiley Ferreira(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
This paper aims to address the consequences of separation or divorce for the minors
involved. Recognizing that the family is the essential basis for the development of the
human personality, the importance of preserving ...
SILVA, Arthur Henrique Moreira da; SILVA, Vinícius Eduardo da(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
The irrational use of oral corticosteroids represents a serious challenge to public
health, resulting in frequent hospitalizations and medical care, in addition to
increasing costs and the demand for health services. ...
TOMÉ FILHO, João Kennedy; SANTOS, Lucas de Almeida(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
The present study explores the possibility and implications of reducing the age of criminal responsibility, in addition to examining its potential effects on reducing the crime rate. From this perspective, both historical ...
The research focuses on the analysis of relevant legislation, legal doctrines and
jurisprudence that deal with rural credit and administrative procedures related to the
topic. One of the main points covered is the ...
This paper analyzes the complex issue of compensation for pregnancy foods. The
establishment of these foods, based on signs of paternity, does not require prior DNA
testing. However, the denial of paternity after the ...
SILVA, Anna Clara Nunes de Oliveira; VIEIRA, Daniella Sousa(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
Eating disorders, such as anorexia and bulimia nervosa, are challenging psychiatric disorders for health professionals. The search for aesthetic perfection predisposes individuals to behaviors that are harmful to health. ...
The National Immunization Program (PNI) is crucial for disease prevention in Brazil but
has faced a decline in childhood vaccination rates, driven by misinformation, limited
access, and political changes. Objective: To ...
Sleep plays a vital role in physical and mental health, being essential for growth,
memory and emotional stability. Disorders such as insomnia affect quality of life and
are associated with several conditions, such as ...
OLIVEIRA, Adriano Prudente de; BASÍLIO JUNIOR, José Tanivaldo; SILVA, Kézia Larissa Bezerra Da; MORO, Thainna Bazan(Faculdade FacmaisBrasilFACMAIS, 2024-12)
This article deals with the question of moral abuse in the work environment, as it
manifests itself and the possible consequences of it and, mainly, how the international
and national regulations address this problem, ...
Introduction: Gestational diabetes affects 18% of Brazilian women (PAHO, 2016). In
this sense, the study analyzed the role of nurses in the care of pregnant women with
GDM, aiming to ensure maternal well-being, prevent ...
Breast cancer represents a serious public health issue in Brazil and worldwide, as it
is the most frequent neoplasia in women, underscoring the importance of early
diagnosis, which plays a crucial role in increasing cure ...