Over the last few decades, significant population growth and notable technological
advances in the field of civil engineering can be observed, in parallel to these factors,
and given the need to optimize space in large cities, we have witnessed the verticalization of constructions. However, this type of structure brings with it a small
number of challenges, especially in relation to the management of water present
underground. The construction of vertical buildings requires deep foundations, which
often exceed the water table. The study in question addresses a solution to ensure
that water coming from underground does not harm the structure, known as a
subpressure slab. This process was monitored from the planning phase to its
execution. With regard to waterproofing, preventive measures were used such as the
use of asphalt blanket in the elevator shafts, BITUTHENE® 3000 blanket in the
foundation blocks, and the 100S preprufe blanket in the entire basement area and on
the retaining walls. Once the waterproofing was completed and the entire steel
structure was in the location planned in the project, the concreting process began.
This process received meticulous care, involved large service fronts and carried out
several tests and procedures to guarantee the quality of the concrete on site. To
provide resistance and ideal characteristics for good concrete, some additives were
used such as polypropylene microfiber, polyfunctional additive, plasticizing and
crystallizing additive.