The corn (Zea mays), belonging to the Poaceae family, is one of the most important
crops in the world, both economically generating billions of dollars and socially, being
the most widely cultivated grain globally. In the 2023/24 season, Brazilian grain
production is projected to reach 295.6 million tons, representing a decrease of 7.6%
compared to the previous cycle, which translates to a harvest 24.2 million tons
smaller. Global corn production for the same period is estimated at 1,230.24 million
tons, slightly below the 1,232.57 million tons forecasted in February. Global ending
stocks for the 2023/24 season are projected at 319.63 million tons, a reduction
compared to the 322.06 million tons indicated last month and the 320.7 million tons
expected by the market. These data reflect the continued importance of corn
production in global agriculture and the challenges faced by the production and stock
of this essential grain.