The aim of this research is to analyze agroecology as a tool capable of solving the
degradation of the environment. The objective is to present the importance of
alternative agroecological techniques through composting, vermicomposting and the
circular economy as instruments of the National Solid Waste Policy, being essential
tools for the integrated management of solid waste by the applicability of the
legislation in question. The case of a company called Projeto Compostô, in Inhumas,
will be analyzed, whose objective is to reduce the amount of solid waste discarded in
the municipal dump, promoting sustainability and agroecology, in order to
demonstrate the successful partnership of the applicability of composting to reduce of
waste production in urban areas. This research is socially justified, as it presents the
results of composting as a means of reducing solid waste disposal in the landfill of
the municipality of Inhumas. The hypotheses initially presented are that composting
based on sustainability in agroecology can offer an adequate means for urban
agriculture, reducing solid waste in dumps and generating the best use of urban
organic waste as fertilizers, the availability of substrates and low-cost and low environmental impact control mechanisms for plant pests and diseases. The
theoretical references that will give clues to the theme will be built based on the
reading and analysis of the solid waste law, in the master plan of the municipality of
Inhumas, Toledo Machado, Juliana Santilli s , Baltasar Baptista Da Costa, Oliveira
Meira, Abreu, Abramovay, Grossi, Guidoni, Malta, Suster and Ramos. The research
will be developed based on the deductive method, based on research in legislation,
specialized bibliography and secondary data. The solid waste law and the use of
agroecology in urban areas through composting based on the Projeto Compostô
and its long-term results will be analyzed. Therefore, it is extremely necessary to
analyze and observe that the initiative of the Projeto Compostô company is of
extreme value, however it is essential to have initiatives from the public authorities, in
this sense, it would generate a high degree of potential when the state/municipality
takes place together with initiatives that mobilize to result in mutual benefits.