The feasibility of carrying out the proposed study was due to the history of difficulties
faced by rural workers in relation to the acquisition of their respective social security
benefits. There are many obstacles encountered by rural workers at the time when it
is necessary, in addition to meeting the legal requirements for obtaining the benefit,
to prove, through documentary evidence, or in certain cases, testimonials, the grace
period required for the realization of this right. . In this sense, during the research, the
concept of social security was presented, as well as its history in Brazil, the changes
in legislation, which began to guarantee rural workers and their dependents, in case
they are unable to provide for their own livelihood. or their family. The different
categories of rural workers were addressed. Finally, it was verified that in the
legislation there are many documents that serve as the beginning of proof of rural
activity, but that the social, political and economic disadvantages before the large
rural producers, as well as the discredit faced when the ability to remain exercising
their work ends, that is, when their retirement is necessary. Both the responsible
autarchy and the jurisprudence are controversial regarding the granting of their due
benefits. The research was carried out through analysis of jurisprudence, legislation
and renowned scholars.