The present research was developed in the Graduate Program in Education Academic Masters - PPGE of the Faculty of Inhumas - FACMAIS and is entitled: School educational purposes: an analysis of the curricular framework for the education of young people and adults in high school in the state network of teaching in the state of Tocantins. The guiding question of the research was: To what extent do the educational purposes that guide the curricular reference of the EJA of Secondary Education in Tocantins, contribute or not to a socially fair school for the working class? Based on the problem question, the general objective was established: to investigate and analyze, from a critical curriculum perspective, the educational purposes that guide the curricular framework of EJA in High School in Tocantins. The research has the following specific objectives: to understand the historical, political and social context of the trajectory of youth and adult education in the public education system in Brazil; identify and analyze the educational purposes that guide the curricular reference of the EJA of High School; to analyze the EJA Curriculum Reference for Secondary Education in Tocantins with emphasis on school educational purposes and their interference in the construction of a fair school. Documentary analysis of the Curriculum Reorganization of EJA in Tocantins, the National Curriculum Guidelines for EJA, the National Education Plan and the National Common Curricular Base were used as research methodology. A bibliographic review was also used as a methodological resource, using theses, dissertations, scientific works published in books and periodicals. The scholars who supported the research were: Sampaio (2009); Haddad (1987); Strelhow (2010); Paiva (2015); Viegas and Moraes (2017); Rock (2016); Di Pierro, Joia and Ribeiro (2001); Freitas (2012); Libâneo, Oliveira and Toschi (2012); Cury (2011); Freire (1987; 2011); Haddad and Ximenes (2014); Saviani (2018); Lenoir et al. (2016); Pessoni (2017); Chauí (2008); Dardot and Laval (2016); Silva (2016); Apple (2013); Moreira and Tadeu (2013); Santos and Amorim (2016); Tarlau and Moeller (2020); Catelli Jr. (2019); Durado et al. (2021); Charlotte (2005); Dubet (2003; 2004; 2008) and Libâneo (2013; 2018; 2019; 2022). It appears that throughout the history of Brazil there has been a considerable increase in enrollments in the EJA modality, however, public policies aimed at serving this part of the population, reflected, especially in the National Education Plans, have not placed EJA as a priority when it comes to achieving goals and strategies. On the other hand, the curricular reference of the EJA of the State of Tocantins expresses the school educational purposes prescribed in the BNCC and in the reform of Secondary Education (new secondary education - NEM), both based on the principles conceived by international organizations (UNESCO, UNICEF, World Bank and UNDP). Considering, therefore, the concepts of a socially fair school and the critical formation of the student with a view to their emancipation, EJA has not fulfilled these purposes, forming its public based on market principles, through a streamlined process of development of skills and competences aimed at meeting the demands of the labor market.