The present dissertation "The public policies for teacher training integrated to the
BNCC and the Curricular Document of Goiás (DC-GO) in the municipality of
Rubiataba. "It was developed in the research line Education, Culture, Theories and
Pedagogical Processes of the Postgraduate Program in Education, Academic
Master's Degree of the Faculty of Inhumas - FacMais, whose overall objective was to
analyze what are the initiatives aimed at teacher training offered by the Municipal
Department of Education of Rubiataba with a focus on the new curriculum structure,
proposed by the BNCC and DC/GO and what are the implications of these in the
teaching process. The specific objectives were to make a synthesis of public policies
for teacher education in the period from Jesuit education to the creation of the BNCC.
It was verified how the municipal public policies of Rubiataba-GO are articulated with
the BNCC and the Curriculum Document of the State of Goiás (DC-GO) and finally, it
was investigated the relationship between these policies and the needs of teachers,
regarding the improvement of their teaching practices. The categories of analysis
went through the Curriculum (BNCC and DC/GO and other documents of the
municipality), following for teacher training policies and professional development
(Continuing education and teacher practice) and finally, the Teaching. It is a
qualitative study, based on bibliographic and documentary research, was conducted
with the purpose of contributing to the existing knowledge about how public policies
for teacher training integrated to the BNCC and the Curriculum Document of Goiás
(DC GO), in the midst of the pandemic period, that is, from March 2020 to August
2021, reverberate in the teaching process. In other words, we sought to understand
how the teachers of the school in question have relied on BNCC and DC-GO, in
order to strengthen the teaching to be applied to students and which continuing
education courses they received in this path. It was a long journey whose results
occur at a relevant level of knowledge and that when analyzing the participation of
the teachers allocated in the SME of Rubiataba, it was observed that they did not
have the proper qualification to work with the new skills brought by the BNCC and
neither by the DC-GO and this may have occurred due to the pandemic period,
considering that all face-to-face pedagogical activities, both in the school and in the
SME, were suspended.