The dissertation presents educational tutoring in its conceptual, legal aspects and
contributions in teaching-learning. The choice of the theme considered the difficulties
in establishing an understanding about educational tutorin g, whether from official
documents, in the routine of schools, as well as about the attributions and the role of
the educational tutor in schools. In liberalism there is a discourse of valuing
competence for work associating education with marketing purposes, and regulatory
determinations focus on the need for the school to meet the demand of the market,
distancing it from the formative function of the individual. In public education in the
state of Goiás, the teacher with the assignment of an educational tutor is seen as a
fiscal rather than a partner in the implementation of procedures that contribute to a
better quality of educational practice. Added to this problem is the demand placed on
the educational tutor, to meet the requests for the position determined by the State
Department of Education, according to the educational policies implemented. This
problem motivated the accomplishment of this research, which had as general
objective to know and analyze the regulatory legislation on educational tutoring and
its application in the state education network of Goiás. The specific objectives were:
to contextualize in the history of education the concepts and principles of educational
tutoring, from the reform Pact of Education in Goiás; to highlight and analyze the role
of educational tutors and the pedagogical duo based on the attributions described in
the Operational Guidelines of Goiás. The methodology consisted of bibliographic
research carried out in the Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations - BDTD and
the Portal of Periodicals of CAPES. The analysis of the materials found was carried
out with the support of authors such as Semião (2009), Frison (2012), Silva (2014)
Tiballi (2016), Pessoni (2017), Castro and Araújo (2018), Laval (2019), Pillonetto
(2020), Silva and Tizzo (2022). The results show that educational tutoring has
changed throughout the history of education, reflecting social and political changes.
The changes and improvements in tutoring are challenges for the tutor, but they
depend on public educational policies that favor teacher training, promote an
inclusive, humanized and quality education meeting the diversity of the educational